Effectiveness of Website Dashboard Monitoring Quality PT. Satuvisi Inovasi Media on User Satisfaction with The Webqual 4.0 Method – AJHSSR

Effectiveness of Website Dashboard Monitoring Quality PT. Satuvisi Inovasi Media on User Satisfaction with The Webqual 4.0 Method

Effectiveness of Website Dashboard Monitoring Quality PT. Satuvisi Inovasi Media on User Satisfaction with The Webqual 4.0 Method

ABSTRACT : In digital era, technology is one of the society neededs. Internet technology is importantbecause it provides more benefits for its users. Information technology is important to manage information sothat information could be searched easily and accurately. The technology that is often considered not muchneeded is the website. Website is one of the important factors in the establishment of an organization or acompany. In this study, researchers used the Webqual 4.0 method to assess the quality of websites at PT. TheMedia Innovation Unit using a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributingquestionnaires to all employees of PT. The Media Innovation Division is 50 respondents and uses several teststo see the effect of the website on the monitoring dashboard website users. The results of this study indicate thatthe research on the quality of the website gets positive results and it can be said that the internal website has aneffect on user satisfaction

KEY WORDS: Technology, Information, WebQual 4.0, User Satisfaction