Prevalence and affecting factors of stunting in toddlers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia – AJHSSR

Prevalence and affecting factors of stunting in toddlers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia

Prevalence and affecting factors of stunting in toddlers in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia

ABSTRACT:The prevalence of stunting in children under five (toddler) in Lampung Province reached 31.6 percent in 2017, after experiencing an increase for three consecutive years.In 2018 this figure may drop slightly to 27.5%, but this is still quite high. Some cities and districts have a much higher figure, including Bandar Lampung as the provincial capital, which reaches 33.4%. This study aims to determine the prevalence and influencing factors of stunting in toddlers in Bandar Lampung by a survey method that takes a sample of 124 toddlers who are registered in posyandu in three topographic regions. The three regions are lowland, urban and highland. The research data was collected in September-October 2019, including anthropometric data and nutritional intake of toddlers as well as the socio-economic characteristics of their families. The results showed that the prevalence of stunting was 43.5%, much higher than the provincial average. This research showed that stunting was also significantly influenced by the education and social status of the mother, namely the mother’s occupation before marriage and the mother’s employment status during pregnancy; not only caused by lack of nutritional intake.

KEYWORDS –mother, nutritional intake, prevalence, stunting, toddlers