LIFE COURSE AND DELAY IN ONCOPEDIATRICS REMEDY:case of Burkitt’s lymphoma in Abidjan ( Côte d’Ivoire) – AJHSSR

LIFE COURSE AND DELAY IN ONCOPEDIATRICS REMEDY:case of Burkitt’s lymphoma in Abidjan ( Côte d’Ivoire)

LIFE COURSE AND DELAY IN ONCOPEDIATRICS REMEDY:case of Burkitt’s lymphoma in Abidjan ( Côte d’Ivoire)

ABSTRACT :In Côte d’Ivoire, cancer pathology in children is on the rise. Until 2007, the total number was 556cases (Effi, A.B. et al., 2012). From 2007 to 2015, the number of cases is 863 with 85.3% of burkitt’s lymphoma(L. Couitchéré et al., 2019). However, the remission rate at the Pediatric Oncology Unit of the TreichvilleUniversity Hospital is 30% (A. J.-J. Yao, L. Couitchéré et al., 2010).Faced with this public health problem, thisstudy reveals that families experience delays in accessing the Pediatric Oncology Unit during the child careitinerary. In order to understand this phenomenon, socio-anthropological approaches question the diachronic andsynchronic aspects of care in various researches. The perspective of the approach,that of the life course, is aninnovation in the works of in oncopediatrics in Côte d’Ivoire because it combines these different aspects in thesame study. To this end, 56 families affiliated with the Pediatric Oncology Unit of the Treichville UniversityHospitalobtained by “snowball” whose “grain” is made up from patient files, submitted themselves to a lifecalendar grid and to an interview guide. The information collected was processed with the TRAMINER moduleof the R statistical software.From this analysis, it emerges that there is an institutionalization of the renunciationof care. This institutionalization is a consequence of the institutionalization of the life course of families.However, there is a diversification in the courses, as they are not completely homogeneous.This contribution is an aid to the construction of a program to reduce infant mortality due to Burkitt’s lymphomain Côte d’Ivoire.

KEYWORDS: Life course – pediatric burkitt lymphoma – institutionalization – delay in seeking care-AbidjanCôte d’Ivoire