Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, And Psychological Capital On Readiness For Change In Elementary School Teachers – AJHSSR

Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, And Psychological Capital On Readiness For Change In Elementary School Teachers

Analysis Of The Influence Of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, And Psychological Capital On Readiness For Change In Elementary School Teachers

ABSTRACT : Purpose – This study describes the role of psychological capital in the relationship betweenorganizational culture and transformational leadership behavior towards Readiness for Changes in the context ofelementary school teachers in Sungai Penuh City, Jambi.Design/methodology/approach – This study adopted an inferential research design. This is a cross-sectionalstudy because data were collected at a one-time point. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of 285elementary school teachers who were willing to collaborate to participate voluntarily by filling in the onlinequestionnaire. Data analysis was divided into two parts; the first part analyzed the respondent’s profile andpresented the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent’s profile. The second part was hypothesistesting with two stages, namely the LS Algorithm to see data quality data and PLS Bootstrapping to test thehypothesis of the proposed research model. The software includes the Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) MS-Windows version 23 and Partial Least Square (Smart PLS-3).Findings – Organizational culture directly affects psychological capital andreadiness to change and indirectly onreadiness for change through psychological means. Psychological Capital has a direct effect on willingness tochange. Transformational leadership behavior directly impacts psychological capital but does not directly affectreadiness to change and does not indirectly affect readiness to change through psychological means.Research limitations/implications – The online cross-sectional survey design allows for the self-assessment ofdata from respondents. The consequence is that response bias persists, although post-sampling statistical testswere conducted to screen data to reduce it. Therefore, a more qualitative method with a longitudinal design anda more extensive research sample is recommended for further research.Practical implications – School administrators and higher authorities can promote readiness for cultural change,leadership, and teacher psychological factors, as schools face constant and continuous change interventions.This is expected to have an impact on improving the quality of educators, students, and the quality of Indonesianeducation

KEYWORDS: Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Behavior, Psychological Capital, andReadiness to Change.