Juridical Study of the Discharge of Dismissal of Village Officials Based on the Decision of the Kendari State Administrative High Court – AJHSSR

Juridical Study of the Discharge of Dismissal of Village Officials Based on the Decision of the Kendari State Administrative High Court

Juridical Study of the Discharge of Dismissal of Village Officials Based on the Decision of the Kendari State Administrative High Court

ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the judge’s considerations in the decision. NO. 6/G/2020/PTUN.KDI and No. 12/G/2021/PTUN.KDI. The type of research in this research is library research, legal research is done by examining library materials or secondary data. Normative juridical research discusses the doctrines or principles in the science of law. The results of the research show that the Judge’s Consideration in the Decision. NO. 6/G/2020/PTUN.KDI and NO. 12/G/2021/PTUN.KDI is in accordance with Law Number 6 of 2014, village administrative responsibilities are under the authority of the district or city (the local government itself). They continue to maintain the rights and authority needed to regulate matters communal ways that are consistent with their rights of origin and customs and the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 84 of 2015 in conjunction with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 16 of 2017

KEYWORDS : Village, Court, Decision