Technology Readiness and Technology Acceptance of Employees of Bekasi Kota Police Office in Using Information Systems For Society Service – AJHSSR

Technology Readiness and Technology Acceptance of Employees of Bekasi Kota Police Office in Using Information Systems For Society Service

Technology Readiness and Technology Acceptance of Employees of Bekasi Kota Police Office in Using Information Systems For Society Service

ABSTRACT : This study aims to determine and analyze the readiness and acceptance of technology inPolres Metro Bekasi City employees in using information system services. This type of research isquantitative. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling in which the number of questionnaires are106 respondents. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires. The respondents of this studywere all employees of Polres Metro Bekasi Kota. The analytical method used is a statistical analysis method,namely Path Analysis on the Technology Readiness Acceptance Model (TRAM). The results of testing thedata using the validity and reliability tests show that the data obtained is valid and reliable. Of the 11hypotheses in the TRAM, five hypotheses are supported by research results while 6 hypotheses are notsupported. Based on the proof of the hypothesis, in this study sample, the TRAM (Technology ReadinessAcceptance Model) model was not fully implemented in the sample studied. Behavior intention that occurs isdue to its relationship with perceived usefulness; where perceived usefulness is related to optimism andinnovativeness. Perception of ease of use is related to Optimism and Insecurity; however, the perceived easyof use is not positively related to the perceived usefulness and behavioral intention.

KEYWORDS : Information System Services, TRAM, technology readiness, technology acceptance.