Debate on Production, Evaluation, Storage and DisseminationScientific Information in the Digital Age – AJHSSR

Debate on Production, Evaluation, Storage and DisseminationScientific Information in the Digital Age

Debate on Production, Evaluation, Storage and DisseminationScientific Information in the Digital Age

ABSTRACT:World reality is evolving faster than scientific research capacity is able to systematize its understanding. At the heart of globalization is technological development. Today we are experiencing a profound technological revolution. In the last twenty years more technological and scientific knowledge has been accumulated than in the entire history of mankind. This has a positive side due to the significant advances in terms of increasing productivity that has been achieved, due to advances in health, information and so many others. Technological progress has not had a corresponding advance in institutional terms, especially at the civilizational level, which makes it explosive for society.The globalization of information promotes the integration of research, seeking to contribute at the same time to a significant improvement in the production, peer review, retrieval, dissemination, interpretation, and usefulness of scientific information. The dissemination of knowledge is done through events, conferences, and publications. To understand a scientific field, whatever it may be, this research considered the possibility of analyzing the elements involved, the established relationships, the processes of production, evaluation, storage and dissemination of knowledge. Based on the quantitative and qualitative results of Web Science, it is possible to recognize and applaud the researchers who contribute the most / contributed to the development of different sciences / disciplines / areas of the scientific field, by analyzing their citations.The research proposes a global hybrid conceptual model of production, peer review, storage and dissemination of scientific knowledge, based on scientific publications (books, articles, conferences), on specialized journals, their evaluation models and the main units of measures used, as well as indexing, for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Hierarchical models are proposed to separate the initiates from those who contribute the most (the highly cited) to the development of knowledge, the respective scientific field and its characteristics of universality. It contemplates the theoretical and practical discussion of the global conceptual model, the units of measurement and their meaning, in their different approaches.

KEYWORDS: Information. Knowledge, Production, Citation, Indexing, Peer Review and Knowledge Dissemination