The Effect of Service Quality and Discount Rate on Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at Emeralda Golf Club, Depok City – AJHSSR

The Effect of Service Quality and Discount Rate on Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at Emeralda Golf Club, Depok City

The Effect of Service Quality and Discount Rate on Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at Emeralda Golf Club, Depok City

ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and analyze the determinant factors that influence customer loyalty. The sample technique used in this study uses judgment non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling using several criteria that the researcher determined at the beginning of the study. The sample used was 109 people. While the analysis technique used in this study is to use path analysis. The research results obtained: (1) service quality affects customer loyalty; (2) the discount rate affects customer loyalty; (3) customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty; (4) service quality influences customer satisfaction; (5) the discount rate affects customer satisfaction; (6) customer satisfaction affects loyalty through customer satisfaction; (7) the discount rate affects loyalty through customer satisfaction. So it can be interpreted that the use of customer satisfaction variables is a good intervening variable in explaining the variation in effect between service variables and partial discount rates on customer loyalty either directly or indirectly.

KEYWORDS: Customer loyalty, service quality, discount rate, customer satisfaction.