Policy Evaluation to Accelerate Stunting Prevention in Cianjur District – AJHSSR

Policy Evaluation to Accelerate Stunting Prevention in Cianjur District

Policy Evaluation to Accelerate Stunting Prevention in Cianjur District

ABSTRACT :The incidence of stunting in the world, in Indonesia, in West Java and in districts is still high. In the world stunting prevalence rate, Indonesia ranks fifth, which is around 37%, with the number of children affected by stunting in 2008, 7,688 (3.5%). The incidence of stunting in Indonesia is still high, based on data from UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank (2017), the prevalence compared to other countries in the world is around 36%, the total number of stunted children under five is 8.8 million. Data from the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) for 2021, the prevalence of stunting in West Java Province is 24.5%. In Cianjur Regent District, there was a very significant decrease from 33.7% to 13.6%. Research Objectives: Analyzing Policy Evaluation for the Acceleration of Stunting Prevention in Cianjur Regency. Research Method: using a Literature study design, where data is obtained from related journals, data from Google Scholar, Google, websites and from books. discussion: Reducing the reduction of stunting by carrying out prevention by moving all regional apparatus to contribute constructively through program policies and budgets based on handling stunting so that it can be handled quickly. Accelerating the reduction in the incidence of stunting is carried out from upstream to downstream. All Posyandu cadres must go down and directly pick up the ball to the target residents’ homes. Conclusion: The incidence of stunting in the world, in Indonesia and in West Java is still high, the incidence of stunting in Cianjur has decreased significantly from 2018-2022 due to appropriate policies that are carried out comprehensively and continuously between various sectors in Cianjur Regency.

KEYWORDS: Evaluation; Policy; Acceleration; Prevention; Stunting; Cianjur