Reconfiguring Cooperation Mechanism and Survival of Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria – AJHSSR

Reconfiguring Cooperation Mechanism and Survival of Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria

Reconfiguring Cooperation Mechanism and Survival of Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria

ABSTRACT: This study examined the relationship between reconfiguring cooperation mechanism andsurvival of Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the cross-sectional researchsurvey design. The population for this study was twenty-two deposit money banks registered in Nigeria andoperating in South–South. Primary data was generated through structured questionnaire. Census sampling wasadopted because our population of study was not large. Hence, the entire population of 22 Deposit Money Bankswas adopted as a census. However, the total respondents for this study were 154 Regional/Zonal Managers ofthe twenty-two Deposit Money Banks in South-South, Nigeria. The research instrument was validated bysupervisors’ vetting and approval while the reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the CronbachAlpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s RankOrder Correlation while the partial correlation was used to test the moderating effect of nature of theenvironment. The tests were carried out at a 0.05 significance level. Findings study showed that there is asignificant relationship between reconfiguring cooperation mechanism and survival of deposit money banks inSouth-South, Nigeria. Therefore, this study concludes the survival of Deposit Money Banks in South-South,Nigeria is well enhanced though reconfiguring cooperation mechanism. Hence the study recommends thatDeposit Money Banks should strive to get new knowledge, skills, markets and distribution channels from newpartners and new cooperation mechanisms because this will reduce its product development risks andinvestments, and increase the benefit of new products.

KEYWORDS: Agility, Flexibility, Reconfiguring Cooperation Mechanism, Resourcefulness, Survival