ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the implementation of SekolahPerjumpaan (SP) at SMAN 1Gunungsari in improving the quality of institutional governance, analyze the advantages of SekolahPerjumpaanas a model of strengthening character education in the learning process at SMAN 1 Gunungsari and analyze theweaknesses of implementing SekolahPerjumpaan as a model of strengthening character education in buildingrelationships. collegiality) internal and external institutions at SMAN 1 Gunungsari. This study uses aqualitative approach. Data were obtained by interview, observation, and documentation study. The results of hisresearch showed that implementing the ASekolahPerjumpaan at Gunungsari 1 Public High School improved theethics of everyone in the SekolahPerjumpaan at Gunungsari 1 Public High School. Implementing theSekolahPerjumpaan at SMAN 1 Gunungsari in the learning process is designed to be flexible in determining thetypes of activities that will become SekolahPerjumpaan activities and the time or duration required for itsimplementation. So it does not interfere with the system that has been formed and running. While the weaknessof implementing the SekolahPerjumpaan is that not all school members are fully involved in this parentingbased SP program, so parents do not know about the SP program, especially what is being learned.Misconceptions about SP to the unpreparedness of some school members in terms of setting aside their free timeto attend encounters up to habits with things that are already comfortable with previous conditions.
KEYWORDS: Education, School,Sekolah Perjumpaan, Character Building