The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Trust in the Relationship between Product Quality and Customer Loyalty – AJHSSR

The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Trust in the Relationship between Product Quality and Customer Loyalty

The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Trust in the Relationship between Product Quality and Customer Loyalty

ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine the effect of product quality on customer loyalty mediated bycustomer satisfaction and customer trust. This research is a quantitative research with a case study in thecompany CV. JMF Sidoarjo, Indonesia by distributing questionnaires to 109 customers. Data is processed usingStructural Equation Modeling with Smart PLS 3 program. The results showed that product quality had asignificant direct effect on customer satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Product quality has no significant effect oncustomer satisfaction and trust. Likewise, customer satisfaction and trust cannot mediate the relationshipbetween product quality and customer loyalty. All relationships point in a positive direction.This work helps theproduct manufacturing business better understand consumer behavior, demands, and preferences, which canboost consumer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. This study adds to the body of knowledge on the causes ofconsumer loyalty.

KEYWORDS : Customer, loyalty, quality, satisfaction, trust