Fulani cheese “Wagashi gassire” market tested by covid-19 in Benin – AJHSSR

Fulani cheese “Wagashi gassire” market tested by covid-19 in Benin

Fulani cheese “Wagashi gassire” market tested by covid-19 in Benin

ABSTRACT: This research aims to analyse the effect of the “Coronavirus Disease 2019” pandemic Covid-19 on the commercial practices of the WG in the township of Nikki and Dassa-Zoumé. The result appears that the barrier measures put in place by the Beninese government to limit the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the WG trading system. They have led to an increase in the price of transport, which has also caused a scarcity of customers on the arteries, a drop in demand and, in turn, a collapse in daily income and, finally, the interruption of savings. Faced with these upheavals, several strategies have been adopted, the main ones are the reduction of product prices (29%) at Dassa and (40%) at Nikki and the extension of the payment period (30% at Dassa and 47% at Nikki) to Wagashi Gassirè Suppliers.

KEYWORDS: Adaptation strategies, Benin, covid -19, market, Wagassi Gassiré.