Debate on Artificial Intelligence in Hospital Human Resources Management, in the Digital Age (from Theory to Practice) – AJHSSR

Debate on Artificial Intelligence in Hospital Human Resources Management, in the Digital Age (from Theory to Practice)

Debate on Artificial Intelligence in Hospital Human Resources Management, in the Digital Age (from Theory to Practice)

ABSTRACT : Hospital Human Resources Management (HRM) is a fundamental social aspect in the qualityof patient care. Hospital care is complex, since there are many specialists and not only, who provide integratedcare in health care. Hospital Human Resources (HRH) consists of health workers (doctors, nurses, midwives,laboratory analysts, pharmacists), human resources not related to health, but necessary, in addition to the overalland administrative management (administrative staff, records of medical acts, accounting and management), aswell as other support personnel, such as cleaning staff, security guards, maintenance of medical and otherinfrastructures and equipment, management of parking space and helpers in general.The quality of health services is dependent on the competence of the personnel involved, the capacity andquality of the material and technological infrastructures and above all on the motivation for the work of healthworkers and others, and which is influenced by the amount of income earned (basic salary, allowances formedical acts and other benefits).Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing enormously in all fields. Organizations are starting to use AI byexploiting its ability to exploit the level of effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of their HumanResources (HR). All organizations are interested in following the technological evolution, in order to face thecompetitive world and bet on sustainable growth, in this complex and turbulent society, in the Digital Age.

KEYWORDS: Human Resource Management, Artificial Intelligence, Implementation, Benefits of AI inHospitals.