The Development and Potential of Halal Tourism in Toraja: an Analysis in International Relations – AJHSSR

The Development and Potential of Halal Tourism in Toraja: an Analysis in International Relations

The Development and Potential of Halal Tourism in Toraja: an Analysis in International Relations

ABSTRACT: Purpose —The development of halal tourism, especially in Indonesia, is increasing massively. This can be seen in the participation and policies of various local governments in Indonesia to take part in it. The regencies of Tana Toraja and North Toraja are one of the regions in Indonesia that make tourism a major concern in policy formulation. This is because tourism is the main and largest sector for the region to increase regional income, one of which is through the development of halal tourism. Method — The method used in this study is a qualitative type, with primary and secondary data collection, primary data obtained through library research, and secondary data obtained by direct observation and interviews with relevant stakeholders. Result —the potential for developing halal tourism in Toraja is quite rapid, this can be seen in tourist attractions in Toraja, most of which have implemented the concept of halal tourism such as the availability of places of worship in tourism, the availability of halal restaurants and Muslim-friendly lodging. In addition, the local government has implemented various strategies so that Toraja can become a tourist destination that supports the concept of halal tourism. The policy strategy is in the form of Community-Based Tourism by involving the community. Contribution — in research provides a description related to the development of halal tourism in Toraja by specifically analyzing the potential that it has and its challenges.

Keywords -Halal Tourism, Indonesia, International Relations, Potentials, Toraja