The Success of Corporate Social Responsibility Program for Steam Power Plant in Empowering the Women Farmer Community in Cilacap – AJHSSR

The Success of Corporate Social Responsibility Program for Steam Power Plant in Empowering the Women Farmer Community in Cilacap

The Success of Corporate Social Responsibility Program for Steam Power Plant in Empowering the Women Farmer Community in Cilacap

ABSTRACT:Community empowerment through the company’s CSR program is expected to improve the community’s quality of life, so it is necessary to evaluate the empowerment program to find out whether the program has succeeded in achieving the desired benefits. The research aims to evaluate the community empowerment program of the Indah Jaya Tani Women’s Group to find out the company’s CSR contribution and the success of the community empowerment program. The research uses qualitative research methods and samples/informants are determined using purposive sampling techniques. The data collection methods used in this research were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique is carried out interactively and consists of three activity components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, data validation used in this research is source triangulation. The research results show that the company’s CSR contribution to the Indah Jaya Women Farmers Group empowerment program is in the form of facilities and infrastructure as well as training and mentoring. This empowerment program is by the needs of the community in Nusa Indah Hamlet so that it can become a sustainable program. The benefits of the empowerment program have been felt by group members both economically (profit) by providing additional income, Socially (People) by increasing knowledge and skills, and Environmentally (Planet) by creating better environmental quality.

KEYWORDS: CSR, Community Empowerment, Program Success, Women Farmer