La revendication identitaire et les enjeux de positionnement socioéconomiques face aux changements climatiques dans le département d’Akoupé/Côte d’Ivoire – AJHSSR

La revendication identitaire et les enjeux de positionnement socioéconomiques face aux changements climatiques dans le département d’Akoupé/Côte d’Ivoire

La revendication identitaire et les enjeux de positionnement socioéconomiques face aux changements climatiques dans le département d’Akoupé/Côte d’Ivoire

SUMMARYThe disappearance of tropical forests in connectionwith the practice of cash cropsis a reality in theIvoriancontext. The preferentialranksoccupied by Côte d’Ivoire are not withoutconsequences on theforeststhateachfamily has as intergenerationalheritage in the department of Akoupé. Facedwithidentity andsocio-economic issues, increased by the weight of climate change, the disappearance of forests in favor ofentropic actions remains at the centre of the discussions. This article questions the modalities of constructionand identity claim as well as the socio-economic issues underlyingthe disappearance of forests as a productionarea for cash crops. Based on a qualitative approach, tenactorseitherfarmers or withexperience in the forestsmanagement, were the subject of interviews whosedata allowed to build a corpus of data for analysis.

KEYWORDS:forest-identity issues-socio-economic issues-climate change-disappearance