Analysis of Relationshipbetween Socio-Economic Factors and the Level of Poverty Inequality in Indonesia – AJHSSR

Analysis of Relationshipbetween Socio-Economic Factors and the Level of Poverty Inequality in Indonesia

Analysis of Relationshipbetween Socio-Economic Factors and the Level of Poverty Inequality in Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This research was conducted at Makasar with the research region was Indonesia whichconsisted of 34 provinces by using secondary data from 2017 to 2022. The research aim was to study theinfluence of on education, economic growth, wage, unemploymentand the number of MSMEs on povertyInequality in Indonesia.The result of analysis show that the education and number of MSMEs on a significant negative influence onpoverty both the depth and severity of poverty. Whereas wages and unemployment have a positiveinfluence on the severity of poverty, but economic growth, education and MSMEs do not affect it in Indonesia.Itwasshown that economic growth did not influence significantly on the two kind of poverty significantly.

Keywords: Economic growth, unemployment, poverty, wages, education and micro, small and mediumenterprises