Parental Involvement in The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning Approach Among Identified School in Botolan District, Division of Zambales – AJHSSR

Parental Involvement in The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning Approach Among Identified School in Botolan District, Division of Zambales

Parental Involvement in The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning Approach Among Identified School in Botolan District, Division of Zambales

ABSTRACT :The general purpose of this study was to find out the level of extent on the parental involvementin the implementation of modular distance learning approach in Botolan District, Division of Zambales,Philippines during school year 2020-2021. The study revealed that the parent-respondent is a typical female inher early adulthood, married, high school graduate with part-time work and meagre income whose children areat primary grade level. The academic performance of the parent- respondents‘ children was assessed ―VerySatisfactory‖. Perceived ―Highly Involved‖ on Parent as a Teacher and Acceptance of the Self-Learning Modulewhile ―Involved‖ on Submission of the Self-Learning Module. There is significant difference when groupedaccording to highest educational attainment towards Parent as a Teacher, Acceptance and Submission of theSelf-learning module respectively; significant when grouped according to family income towards Parent asTeacher and Acceptance of the Self-Learning Module; while significant on number of children studying in theelementary level towards Parent as Teacher and Submission of the Self-Learning Module respectively. There issignificant difference on the perception towards dimensions on the level ofextent on the parental involvement inthe implementation of modular distance learning approach. There is negatively weak or little relationshipbetween the level of academic performance and the level ofextent on the parental involvement in theimplementation of modular distance learning approach.Based on the summary of the investigations conducted and the conclusions arrived at, the researcherrecommended that the parents are encouraged to be given orientation to heighten awareness on their respectivelimited roles in the implementation of the self-learning modular approach; that parents are encouraged to helpchildren developed with high levels of self-directed learning, to have strong for learning.\

KEYWORDS:Botolan District, Division of Zambales,Parental Involvement in Modular Distance LearningApproach