Le bulletin municipal, un instrument de communication publique pour le marketing territorial des collectivités décentralisées dans l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun – AJHSSR

Le bulletin municipal, un instrument de communication publique pour le marketing territorial des collectivités décentralisées dans l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun

Le bulletin municipal, un instrument de communication publique pour le marketing territorial des collectivités décentralisées dans l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun

ABSTRACT: This article falls within the field of public communication and is interested in governance andthe promotion of decentralized local authorities. It presents the municipal bulletin as a territorial marketing issuefor municipalities located in the Far North of Cameroon. This is an analysis of a municipal bulletin produced bythe district commune of Maroua 1er in Cameroon to communicate with its public. This municipal bulletincombines daily information from the municipality and announcements of mayor cultural events. Thus, it is aquestion of showing through this research work, how the municipal bulletin can constitute a territorial marketinginstrument for decentralized local authorities in addition to its fundamental qualities in the transmission ofmunicipal information.

Keywords: – Municipal newsletter, decentralized territorial community, public communication, localdevelopment, marketing territorial.