ABSTRACT : Among the five macroskillsa studentshould posses isreading. It is one of the primary learning skills that aids in the development of students‟ languageproficiency, whichalsohelpsthemwrite, speak, listen and evenanalyze texts more effectively. Therefore, the purpose of thisstudyis to discover thefactorsthat affect the level of reading comprehension of Junior High School Students. It used a mixed method research design and purposive sampling method. Descriptive and PhenomenologicalResearch Designwasalsoused to answer the objectives of the study. The participants werethirty-five (35)languageteachersfromvariousschools in Zamboanga City. The results of the study showed that the three majorfactorsthatcontribute to students‟ level of reading comprehensionincludeinadequate study habits,insufficientcomprehension, and a weakvocabulary. In addition, Catch-up Fridays have also been found to helpaddressreadingproblems. Moreover, the researchers gave a conclusion and recommendation tofurtherdevelopment of the study.
Keywords –Factor, Language Skills, Level of comprehension, Reading, Teacher.