ABSTRACT: During the last decades, measurable improvements have occurred in women conditions in Iran.Some of the areas of improvements are: Women‟s life expectancy and literacy rate, acceptance at universities,and rise of gender-adjusted index of human development. However, their representation in universitymanagement and leadership has been constantly low. A longitudinal study has been conducted in three largeuniversities in Iran: Tehran, ShahidBeheshti, and AllamehTabataba‟i Universities. The findings of this crosssectional research, at four sections (1991, 2001, 2011, and 2021), reveal that during the last three decades, thisdeficiency has been a continuous trend in our universities. This means that women presence in managerial andleading positions has not caught up proportionately with their other improvements and still is very low. Thearticle ends up with some suggestions in order to improve women situation in Iran universities.
Key words: Longitudinal research, Motherhood and family responsibilities, Dual roles of a housewife and aprofessor, Meritocracy, Gender divide, Gender metaphors, Outsider-within, Queen-Bee phenomenon, Equityplan