ABSTRACT: This paper examines the guild system in Benin and the monarchy. It discusses the role of kings inthe introduction of the guilds in Benin. The types and the organization of the guilds in Benin also came intofocus. It analyzes the impact of the civil war in the 17th century on the guilds and the negative effects of the1897 invasion of Benin on the guilds development. It also examines the guilds as a contributing factor to thesurvival of the kingdom. The study relied on both primary sources like oral interview and archival materials andsecondary sources like books, theses, articles, newspapers, journals etc. The study found that Ogiso Ereintroduced guilds into Benin and other kings built on it. The study demonstrated that there were at least sixtyeight guilds in Benin. The study also found that the Obas put in structures to organize the guilds. The studyconcludes that the civil war in the 17th century and the British invasion of Benin of 1897 had negative impact onthe guild system in Benin.