A Survey of the Socio-Economic impact of Physical Distancing in Combating COVID 19 in Nigeria – AJHSSR

A Survey of the Socio-Economic impact of Physical Distancing in Combating COVID 19 in Nigeria

A Survey of the Socio-Economic impact of Physical Distancing in Combating COVID 19 in Nigeria

ABSTRACT: Globally, the world is experiencing a very strange time battling an invisible enemy; the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, initially started in the Wuhan province of China, now vastly spread across the world. During its onset, no one could have thought the virus would end up being a worldwide disaster. Thus the study was set up to examine the socio-economic impact of physical distancing approach in combating COVID 19 in Nigeria. Specifically the objectives were to ascertain the awareness or existence of COVID 19, identify the socio-economic difficulties faced by the people, measures applied to cushion the effects in Nigeria. Theoretically the study adopted the ecological health model as the theoretical orientation of the study. A cross sectional survey research design was used in the study. A Questionnaire survey instrument of data collection, developed from Google form was sent via emails and social media handles to generate the data, responses collected from the questionnaire were processed and analyzed. Findings of the study indicate that majority of the people are aware of the existence the novel virus as well understand its various process of spreading. Also, findings of the study showed that respondents experience 26% to 50% drop in income/revenues, purchasing power and workforce/labour, they also face difficulties in movement of goods and services, usual daily supplies/needs, cash flows, late payment of salaries/wages and outright sacked from work. Therefore, the study recommends that government provide advice for business continuity, diversification/alternatives and provision of financial aids to cushion the effect the Covid19 lockdown.
KEY WORDS: COVID 19, Corona Virus, Physical Distancing, Socio-Economic impacts& Nigeria