ABSTRACT: Corruption occurs in all countries (both in the developed and underdeveloped world), which is afact. However, there is a huge difference in the extent of it. A unique form of corruption is administrativecorruption, which is often (incorrectly) interpreted as political corruption or is confused with it. Administrativecorruption occurs at all levels of public administration, from the lowest officials to the state administrative topitself (not to equate career officials and elected officials or politically appointed officials; the latter two casespoint to political corruption). In addition, the amounts of money that we are talking about regardingadministrative corruption vary widely, from the meager amounts by which officials only improve their standardto the staggering amounts that make officials millionaires. Due to different traditions, cultures, historical facts orcustoms, and ultimately different religions, the fight against administrative corruption should be adapted to eachcountry or group of countries. What works for Europe does not necessarily work for Asian or African countries.Therefore, the fight against administrative corruption or, rather, against all forms of corruption is specific ineach country or group of countries. Consequently, international institutions that participate in or even lead thefight against corruption should adapt to such fact.
Keywords –Corruption, Administration, bureaucracy, economy,corruption forms, corruption