ABSTRACT: The existence of advocates is very important for society in defending a person’s (individual’s) rights in facing legal issues, whether criminal, civil or other. If an individual faces criminal charges, for example, the state itself has instruments such as police, prosecutors, judges and correctional institutions.Human rights exist by themselves, not depending on their recognition and implementation in the legal system of a particular country. Therefore, human rights are considered to have a universal nature, rights that humans have solely because they are human. In other words, human rights are the rights of every human being because these rights are rooted in human dignity.The values contained implicitly or explicitly do not conflict with the values of upholding human rights. The principles of Human Rights Law in Indonesia are not much different from the principles of Human Rights Law adopted by other countries because they both adhere to the principle of Universality because in every state regulation protects the Human Rights of its citizens and citizens of other countries who are in a country .Advocates’ organizations as organizations that produce advocates have a very important role. In this case, it makes an ideal and reliable advocate. This has become very commonplace and has become a reciprocal measure of the success of the goals of the Advocate Organization itself. An ideal and reliable advocate will always safeguard, protect and fight for human rights in each carrying out his duties, both for the advocate himself and upholding human rights for clients or the wider community. To be able to make this happen, several points need to be considered. One of them is initial education so that advocates can carry out their professional duties.
Key Words: Advocate Organization, Human Rights