AISAS Model Analysis of Construction Company Strategy using Instagram (Study at Cipta Sarana Mandiri Company) – AJHSSR

AISAS Model Analysis of Construction Company Strategy using Instagram (Study at Cipta Sarana Mandiri Company)

AISAS Model Analysis of Construction Company Strategy using Instagram (Study at Cipta Sarana Mandiri Company)

ABSTRACT :Construction service providers, including Cipta Sarana Mandiri, are increasingly targeting the retail sector. Social media has emerged as a crucial tool for these companies to conduct efficient and effective marketing communication within the retail segment. Social media platforms serve as pivotal hubs where consumers seek product information and share insights, particularly vital for products with inherent credibility traits like those in the construction industry. The evolution of internet usage and social media has transformed consumer behavior models from the traditional AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) framework to AISAS (Attention-Interest-Search-Action-Share). This qualitative research examines Cipta Sarana Mandiri’s Instagram strategy using the AISAS Model. The findings underscore the significance of the Share stage in AISAS for the company, highlighting its critical role in influencing consumer purchasing decisions. The study recommends that companies implement strategies specifically tailored for the Share stage, emphasizing the importance of consumer feedback and experiences in shaping consumer perceptions and behaviors towards products with credence characteristics.