American Transcendentalism: A Liberty Lesson and Individual Reforms – AJHSSR

American Transcendentalism: A Liberty Lesson and Individual Reforms

American Transcendentalism: A Liberty Lesson and Individual Reforms

ABSTRACT :This article examines the contribution of Transcendentalists in the creation of American individualism and social and cultural reforms with a view to reorienting political commitments. As social reformers, Transcendentalists broke away from conformity and standard cultural norms by advocating liberalism and social reforms, as well as individual self-development. This reforming and transformative contribution of the post-war period complements an independent America resolutely turned towards the future with industrialized cities and a culturally and religiously pluralistic urban society. Through social and political reforms, the Transcendentalists embodied a new America based on moral certainty, individual genius and autonomy in actions and collective beliefs.

Keywords:Transcendentalism, sublimation, Liberty, Individual, Reforms, Self-reliance.