An Analysis of Covid-19 and Gender Based Violence – AJHSSR

An Analysis of Covid-19 and Gender Based Violence

An Analysis of Covid-19 and Gender Based Violence

ABSTRACT: Covid-19 has exposed the miseries and inequalities within the countries and across the world. Itis crucial to understand them to build a better world for tomorrow where gender differences and violence nomore exist. GBV, the short of gender-based violence, which illustrates gender inequality and toxic masculinity,is another pandemic in all societies with its varying forms. Our purpose in writing this paper was to investigatethe problem. A mixed research method was adopted to cover maximum aspects of the problem. Fifty femalesand 11 males were scrutinized to collect information, aged 16-52. To examine the data we used thematicanalysis. Results of this study show a direct relation between gender -based violence and pandemics, whichadversely affect females’ mental and physical health. The study proposes different methods to control GBV,which significantly increased during Covid-19 and the economic crisis.

KEYWORDS: Gender Based Violence, Social isolation, Ageism, Gender Discrimination, Violence perpetrator