ABSTRACT: This study examined the socio-cultural impact of Woro agere festival in Ijebu Igbo, located in Ogun state of Nigeria. Woro Agere festival is a socio-cultural festival attracting people of all affiliation. Woro agree festival thus shares similar attribute with Egungun festivals and others in terms of the way they invoke the spirit for the peaceful conduct in the society. Despite the influence of westernization, modernity and religion, cultural festivals are apparently given prominent attention by the people of Ogun state. Many of the people are both Muslims and Christians, but cultural identities remain pivotal among the people of western Nigeria. Culture is highly valued in the society. It is also regarded as their identity, memory, pride, achievement and their contribution to world civilization. In fact, among the Ijebu, festivals have been given more attention so much so that the celebrations of most of these festivals are announced over print and electronic media. Agere festival is a very prominent institution. It is an institution which performs political, judiciary and religious functions among the natives. It is used for social purposes, and to preserve order in private and community life. Hence, it is a major component of the indigenous Ijebu Igbo culture. Since Culture is seen in the African social context as transcending the arts or artifacts, Folklore literature, music, dance and other artistic paraphernalia. Primary and secondary sources were used in the study. Extensive oral interviews were conducted with traditional rulers and indigenes of Ijebu Igbo. The study simply helps to expose the values associated with traditional festivals and why it‟s important to practice it especially the promotion of socio cultural values, norms and customs among the people of Ijebu Igbo