Analysis Effect of Household Consumption, Private Investment and Regional Expenditures against Employment Opportunity and Economy Growth Regencies/Cities in Bali Province – AJHSSR

Analysis Effect of Household Consumption, Private Investment and Regional Expenditures against Employment Opportunity and Economy Growth Regencies/Cities in Bali Province

Analysis Effect of Household Consumption, Private Investment and Regional Expenditures against Employment Opportunity and Economy Growth Regencies/Cities in Bali Province

ABSTRACT : This study aims to analyze the effect of household consumption, private investment and regional expenditures on employment opportunities and regencies/city economic growth in the Province of Bali. The research data uses panel data, which is a combination of 9 regencies/cities and 10 years of observations so that 90 observations are obtained. Data sourced from BPS Bali Province and analyzed using path regression analysis techniques. The results of the analysis found that there was a significant positive influence between household consumption, private investment, and regional expenditures on employment opportunities. There is a significant positive influence between the variables of household consumption, private investment, regional expenditures and employment opportunities on economic growth. Employment opportunities are able to mediate the influence of household consumption, private investment, and regional expenditures on the economic growth of regencies/cities in Bali Province.

KEYWORDS : Household consumption, private investment, regional expenditures, employment opportunities, economic growth.