ABSTRACT: This exploration entitles An Analysis of Moral Massages the “Pulau Akko” Animated Series Film theDanger of Plastic Waste. Film is a media that can teach individuals and empower to improve them understandingon explicit subject however visual. Film is a media that have significant impact in giving data and as an apparatusto convey messages to crowd or individuals. The examination is based are two exploration questions, the first isthe thing that are virtues in “Pulau Akko” Animated Series Film, and the second is which virtues the mostpredominant showing up in it. The strategy of this investigation is subjective technique. The essential wellspringof the information is “Pulau Akko” animated series film, and optional wellspring of the information is thedocument of the caption. The aftereffect of this investigation is there are some virtues in “Pulau Akko” animatedseries film, for example, regard, obligation, equity, resilience, insight, causing one another, selflessness,collaboration, boldness, and certainty. What’s more, in this animated serial film, the most prevailing virtues ishelping every others.
Keywords: Animation, Film, Moral, Massage