Analysis Of The Quality Of Foundation Schools Based On National Standards Of Education (Snp) In Integrated Islamic Primary Schools (Sdit) At-Taqwa Pangkalan Kerinci Subdistrict – AJHSSR

Analysis Of The Quality Of Foundation Schools Based On National Standards Of Education (Snp) In Integrated Islamic Primary Schools (Sdit) At-Taqwa Pangkalan Kerinci Subdistrict

Analysis Of The Quality Of Foundation Schools Based On National Standards Of Education (Snp) In Integrated Islamic Primary Schools (Sdit) At-Taqwa Pangkalan Kerinci Subdistrict

ABSTRACT: The abstract The research is a qualitative research that aimed to analyze the quality of schools based on National Education Standards (SNP) in SDIT At-taqwa Pangkalan Kerinci subdistrict. The subfocus of this study consisted of : 1) the Analysis of the achievement standards of educators and education personnel in Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) At-Taqwa.2) Analysis of the achievement standard of facilities and infrastructure in Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) At-Taqwa. 3) the Factors inhibiting and supporting factors that affect the quality of SDIT At-Taqwa Kecamatan Pangkalan kerinci. The results of this study to the Standards of Educators and Education Personel in SDIT At-Taqwa is in compliance with National Education Standards (SNP), however, to the qualification of educators and education is still not in accordance with the National Education Standards (SNP), because there are still teachers who have the qualifications of S1 but not in the field of education. kompetensi the head of the school still has not been reached it can be seen from the not yet optimal of his ability to head the school in the management of teachers and staff. While for the Standard of Facilities and Infrastructure SDIT At-taqwa is in compliance with National Education Standards (SNP) but in the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is still not performing well, as there is still a lack of awareness and a clear procedure in the maintenance and storage of goods.

Keywords -Quality, National Education Standards (SNP), SDIT