ABSTRACT: The thesis studies socio-economic effects of the iPhone trade between the USA and India, namely analyzing what this trade means for economic growth, technology transfer, and employment for both countries. Through quantitative data and economic modeling, one finds a variety of benefits: for example, development of manufacturing industry boosting the employment rate in India and the improvements in the iPhones produced in the USA to stay competitive in the Indian market. However, one also uncovers socioeconomic discrepancies porous to lifestyle: one may analyze how this trade would affect wages, changes in people‟s attitudes as consumers, etc. Finally, policy implications based on the thesis findings are also examined: one may suggest how this trade can be promoted to showcase the benefits and prevent the negative outcomes. Thus, the thesis provides a multifaceted look at the role of international trade in developing and developed countries‟ economy and technological advancement.
Keywords:International trade; US-India relations; Trade policy