ABSTRACT: Instagram as a form of social interaction is now used by business accounts for communicationand business platform, one of them is Angkringan Boy, which uses Instagram differently from other businessaccounts. The purpose of this study was to analyze changes in actions in the strategy of using Instagram byAngkringan Boy for communication and business platform and to identify the importance of Instagram’s socialmedia as Angkringan Boy’s communication and business platform. The theory used is Media Ecology byMcLuhan with qualitative descriptive research types and constructivist paradigms. The research primary dataare obtained through interviews with Angkringan Boy as a key informant and three followers of Angkringan BoyInstagram account. The conclusion of the study states that Angkringan Boy changed his actions by creating aninformal business account as a strategies of using Instagram as a communication and business platform so thata friend-like interaction is formed between Angkringan Boy and followers, hence instagram is important for fastresponse interaction, platform to sell informal atmosphere that is owned by Angkringan to its followersand customers, and Instagram helps Angkringan Boy’s business in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic becauseinformation related to receiving delivery orders can be shared via Instagram to followers and customers.
Keywords: Instagram, Angkringan Boy, Media Ecology, Communication, Business