ABSTRACT:This researchwasconducted to examine the effect of customerexperience, trust, andperceivedenjoyment on repurchase intention. The location of thisresearchis in Denpasar City. The analysistechnique used in thisstudyis multiple linearregression. The purpose of thisstudy are: 1) To explain the effect ofcustomerexperience on repurchase intention, 2) To explain the effect of trust on repurchase intention, and 3) Toexplain the effect of perceivedenjoyment on repurchase intention.The results of thisstudy are (1)Customerexperience has a positive and significanteffect on repurchase intention (2) Trust has a positive andsignificanteffect on repurchase intention (3) Perceivedenjoyment has a positive and significanteffect onrepurchase intention.
Keywords: customer experience, trust, perceived enjoyment, repurchase intention