Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in determining the marketing mix strategy of rice elevator machines – AJHSSR

Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in determining the marketing mix strategy of rice elevator machines

Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in determining the marketing mix strategy of rice elevator machines

ABSTRACT: UD. X is a company that produces rice processing machines that has been established since 1996. In the last two years the company experienced a decline in sales volume where this decline occurred due to several factors such as the increasing number of competitors, the occurrence of a pandemic, lack of sales force. The decrease in sales volume can be seen from the sales data of the rice elevator machine, where the rice elevator machine is the product most frequently purchased by customers. The purpose of this study is to determine the criteria and sub-criteria that become a priority in formulating a marketing mix strategy to increase the sales volume of rice elevator machines. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative and analyzes data with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), this AHP method is used to determine the weights and determine priorities for each criterion and sub-criteria which are elements in the preparation of marketing mix strategy at UD. X in increasing the sales volume of rice elevator machines. The criteria used are 4P (product, price, place, promotion). The results of the study indicate that the marketing mix criteria are the main priority in formulating the rice elevator machine marketing strategy at UD. X in a row are promotions = 0,63, prices = 0.20, products = 0.12, and places = 0,06. The main priority in the marketing mix strategy is the Sales Force where the sales force is a sub-criteria that becomes the main priority in the Promotion criteria where promotion is a priority criterion in the marketing mix strategy

Keywords – AHP, marketing mix, promotion, sales