Arab Religions and Idolatry in Pre-Islamic Era – AJHSSR

Arab Religions and Idolatry in Pre-Islamic Era

Arab Religions and Idolatry in Pre-Islamic Era

Abstract: This fact cannot be diminished that there is no human group in the world that appeared withoutthinking about the instinct in the religion to know the fate of the unknown human being and fluctuations in thephenomena of the universe. So without a doubt, the Arabs had a religion like the other religions of thenations.When the Arabs in pre-Islamic era looked around them, they found nothing but the barren desert and theblue sky, in which the sun, moon, stars, stones, trees, mountains and valleys were found. They wanted toovercome the laws of nature, and they sought the help of priests and astrologers When they looked at the stoneand tree, they believed in its permanent silence, a metaphysical power, so they worshiped the stone, the tree,some animals, and the souls of their ancestors, but they believed that there is a god named (Allah) that is higherthan all these gods, these gods and the unseen powers mediate between them and (Allah) the supreme God, theyhelp them and bring the goodness to them, and keep the harm away from them. The influence of Judaism,Christianity and Magi in the pagan religion of the Arabs did not exist before Islam. Rather there was a group ofthose who were searching for (Al-Ḥanifiyya: Monotheism) meaning the remnants of Abraham’s religion in thepre-Islamic era until Islam came. We deal with the pagan religion of the Arabs and their expressions in thisarticle with some further detail.

Keywords: Hubble, Al-Lāt, Al-῾Uzza, Manāt, Wad, Suwā„,‟Isāf, Nā‟ila,Yaghūth, Ya„ūq, Nisr