Arts Exhibition in Bali Arts Festival: Exhibitors Perspective – AJHSSR

Arts Exhibition in Bali Arts Festival: Exhibitors Perspective

Arts Exhibition in Bali Arts Festival: Exhibitors Perspective

ABSTRACT: Since 2019 the exhibition booth has been free for MSMEs based on local culture that have passedthe selection as exhibitors in Bali Arts Festival, where previously they were required to pay for it. This policywas warmly welcomed by the exhibitors but reaped the pros and cons during its implementation. The purpose ofthis study is to analyze the arts exhibition from the exhibitor`s perspective. Quantitative research methods withdescriptive statistical analysis techniques were used to analyze primary data obtained through a questionnaireinstrument distributed to 75 respondents. The results of the study stated that holding arts exhibition byeliminating the cost of renting a booth was the hope of many MSMEs based on local culture. This providesmore equitable opportunities for MSMEs to participate and also supports strenghtening local economy.Although there was disappointment because the participants were too crowded, the exhibitors remained on theirrespective paths, to introducing their products to visitors. Promotion is more important than increasing sales andprofits, but this finding is especially relative because it is influenced by the strength of the economic capitalowned by each respondent.

Keywords –perspective, Bali arts festival, arts exhibition, exhibitors, local economy