Attitude toward Entrepreneurship, Perceived Behavioral Control, And Entrepreneurial Intention (Case Study Faculty of Economica and Business, Universitas Udayana) – AJHSSR

Attitude toward Entrepreneurship, Perceived Behavioral Control, And Entrepreneurial Intention (Case Study Faculty of Economica and Business, Universitas Udayana)

Attitude toward Entrepreneurship, Perceived Behavioral Control, And Entrepreneurial Intention (Case Study Faculty of Economica and Business, Universitas Udayana)

ABSTRACT : : Corona Virus Disease or we known as Covid -19 has became an international issue not only became a global pandemic but also demolished global economic. The consequences of that the unemployement rate has increased due to many people were laid off from their job. Hence to resolve this national issues, government has come up with entrepreneurship program that aim to support society well – being and national welfare. This research aim to analyses the effect of Attitudes, Subjectives norms and perception of behavioral control toward entrepeneurship among students. The sample for this study was drawn from Magister Management programs of faculty economic and business, Udayana University. Altogheter 144 students were selected and data collected using the researcher administrated Questionaire and Interview. Furthermore, as the
principle data analysis approach. Multiple regression analysis was employed, and The findings revealed that attitudes as variable has positive and significant effect on entrepeneurship and Subjective norms together with perception control behavior have positive and significant effect toward entrepreneurship.
KEYWORDS: Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Perception of behavioral control, and entrepreneurship.