ABSTRACT : A common tendency with most people is to feel secure by declaring their affiliation to apartcular Caste, Language and above all Religion. This may […]
ABSTRACTHigh Points The study is about the effect of potato project design and implementation in the sustainability of donorfunded potato projects in Kabale District and there […]
RESUME : Georges Canguilhem s‟est montré distant, et même méfiant vis-à-vis de la réflexion bioéthique,préférant maintenir sa pensée dans le cadre d‟une éthique médicale classique dont […]
ABSTRACT: Student learning isinfluenced by school leadership, classroom management, andinstructionaldelivery. To positively impact studentlearning, teachersrequire initial andongoingprofessionaldevelopment. The school administration must create an environmentthat inspires teachers […]