AJHSSR Journal – Page 387 – AJHSSR

AJHSSR Journal

December 1, 2020

The Flourishing Dynamics of Male University Student Survivors of Lombok Earthquakes in 2018

ABSTRACT: Disasters could have both positive and negative impact on survivors. Flourishing is a theoryfrom positive psychology that represents the condition where an individual able to […]
December 1, 2020

Difference of complaining behavior between domestic and foreign tourists in Hotel Dewa Bharata Bungalows Kuta Bali

ABSTRACT: Type of study used is quantitative study using cross sectional approach. This study wasconducted in DewaBharata Bungalows Hotel using 30 domestic respondents and 30 foreign […]
December 1, 2020

The Role of Work Engagement Mediates the Influence of Authentic Leadership on Employee Creativity in PT. Aura Bali Craft

ABSTRACT : Pt. Aura Bali Craft is one of the companies included in the creative industries sector in Bali. Pt.Aura Bali Craft is located at Jalan […]
December 1, 2020

The Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio and Non Performing Loan on Banking Stock Prices with Profitability as Intervening Variable

ABSTRACT : This study aims to determine the role of profitability in mediating the Capital Adequacy Ratio(CAR) and Non Performing Loans (NPL) on banking stock prices. […]