AJHSSR Journal – Page 464 – AJHSSR

AJHSSR Journal

November 21, 2019

Narrative in Islamic Resistance Repertoire Peasant PTPN VII of Land in the Village Rengas Payaraman Ogan ILIR South Sumatra

ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the reality of the peasant Rengas who take action and the tactics of resistance in various innovative ways that the group […]
November 20, 2019

Vision of Multicultural Islamic Education Paradigm in Indonesia

ABSTRACT :Islamic education in Indonesia has become a pillar of nationality. When the Proclamation has not been realized, Islamic education has become part of the dynamics […]
November 17, 2019

The Interactive Whiteboard in Primary School What are the uses for teaching and learning French as a foreign language?

ABSTRACT : The Information and communication technology provide a fertile ground for the renewal of pedagogical practices. The task approach, on the other hand, seems particularly […]
November 17, 2019

The Effect Of Trade Volume And Interest Rate On Volatility Of Stock Price

ABSTRACT: Research in the field of finance has been carried out intended to examine the effect of stock trading volumes, interest rates on stock price volatility […]