AJHSSR Journal – Page 53 – AJHSSR

AJHSSR Journal

October 23, 2023

Strategies for Developing Effective Emergency Preparedness

ABSTRACT: Emergency preparedness is a critical facet of societal resilience, safeguarding communities from a myriad of potential threats, including natural disasters and man-made crises. This research […]
October 20, 2023

The History of the Limited English Proficiency Program in American Public Schools and Contemporary Issues Facing the Program

ABSTRACT : The struggle of American migrants and their families has been a part of the American story since the beginning. These individuals faced unique challenges […]
October 20, 2023

Relationship between Planning and Budgeting Activities With the Performance of Agencies in the West Jakarta City Administration Parks Department

ABSTRACT : The problem formulation in the research is the relationship between planning and budgeting activities partially and simultaneously with the performance of agencies in the […]
October 16, 2023

Detecting Financial Statement Manipulation in Selected Indian Telecom Companies Using Beneish M-Score Model

ABSTRACT : The Indian telecom sector, with 1.17 billion users and the second-largest market globally, is experiencing exponential growth due to factors like affordable prices, accessibility, […]