AJHSSR Journal – Page 93 – AJHSSR

AJHSSR Journal

March 7, 2023

Crisis Management Strategies in Corporate Communication Studies

ABSTRACT:Communication is an activitythatcannotbeseparatedfromhuman life. However, in the process, there are opportunities for in-appropriate communication, which can lead to conflict or alsoknown as a communication crisis. […]
March 6, 2023

Competitive Edge of the School Heads in Bulusan District

ABSTRACT:The study determined the competitive edge of the school heads in the Bulusan District relating to their accomplishments, psychosocial attributes and personality, ICT skills, and research […]
March 6, 2023

The Role of Communication Corporate To Save the Reputation of PT. Garuda Indonesia, Tbk (BUMN Companies Restructure & BJR Implimentation)

ABSTRACT : Reputation is the backbone for every company, the company’s vision and mission is built todetermine the direction and targets to achieve the sustainability of […]
March 6, 2023

Mysticism and Literature: A Study on the Aesthetics of Devotional Music and Poems

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we examine the philosophical underpinnings of sufism, its historical development, and the aesthetics of sufi music. The works of Sufi poets like […]