AJHSSR Journal – Page 95 – AJHSSR

AJHSSR Journal

November 16, 2023

Reflection on Humanism, Citizenship, and the Digital Society (from Theory to Practice)

ABSTRACT:We do not intend to deal exhaustively with this subject, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text. Our pretensions, which are […]
November 13, 2023

An Analysis on the Equality Concept of Western Feminism

ABSTRACT: Since the rise of Western feminism for more than a century, it has made great achievements both in theory and in practice, which has effectively […]
November 13, 2023

The Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) In Mediating Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, Burnout on The Performance of Bri Jember Employees

ABSTRACT : This research aimed to determine the role of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in mediating self-efficacy, locus of control, burnout on the performance of BRI […]
November 5, 2023

The Utilization of Machine Learning for The Prediction of CSX Index and Tax Revenues in Cambodia

ABSTRACT: The machine learning model LSTM was applied and compared with the linear regression machine learning model for the CSX index of the Cambodia Securities Exchange. […]