Bodies for Battle: US Army Physical Culture and Systematic Training, 1885-1957 – AJHSSR

Bodies for Battle: US Army Physical Culture and Systematic Training, 1885-1957

Bodies for Battle: US Army Physical Culture and Systematic Training, 1885-1957

ABSTRACT: This book, part of the University Press of Kansas‟ Modern War Studies series, furnishes acomprehensive review and analysis of the U.S. Army‟s physical training practices and values—referred to asphysical culture–from the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth century. AuthorGarrett Gatzemeyer is acontingency planner with the United StatesEuropean Command who previously taught at the U.S. MilitaryAcademy. Researchmaterial for the study was drawn from library and collection holdings at West Point, theUniversity of Iowa, the Eisenhower PresidentialLibrary in Kansas, and at Fort Benning in Georgia. The contentincludes anIntroduction, six chapters, a Conclusion, and end material.