Uncategorized – Page 248 – AJHSSR


October 1, 2021

The Leadership Style Influence, Reward and Punishment towards the Employee Performance

ABSTRACT :This study aims to determine and analyze how much the influence of leadership style, thereward and punishment towards the employee performance of PT. BosowaBerlian Motor. […]
October 1, 2021

RENÉ DESCARTES’ CONCEPTION OF CERTAINTY: From the Infallibity of human mind to its Reliability

ABSTRACT: This article describes the Cartesian conception of certainty in its epistemological approach. Its main question is:“Can we really know with certainty?” On the one hand, […]
October 1, 2021

The Role of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) inEradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism In Indonesia

ABSTRACT : The meaning of terrorism has undergone a paradigm shift and expansion, namely crime against the state, now includes crime against humanity. The victims are […]
September 22, 2021

The Roles of Language Input and Output in Second Language Acquisition – Discussions and Pedagogical Implications for EFL Teachers

ABSTRACT: Extensive input and output practice is significantly crucial in language learning. This can facilitate language learners in terms of mastering the target language effectively and […]