Uncategorized – Page 494 – AJHSSR


June 2, 2019

Influence of Brand Ambassadorship on Positioning of Kenya as anInvestment andTourism Destination

ABSTRACT:Several countries have adopted and implemented branding strategies to stimulate tourism and investment. Country branding uses the tools of branding to amend the behavior, attitudes, identity […]
June 2, 2019

Effect of Employee Appraisal on the Organization Performance in Public Institutions: A Study of Kenya Commercial Bank Kericho Branch, Kenya

ABSTRACT : Motivation is one of the most important tools of Management. Organizations are designing motivation systems to encourage employees to perform as well as to […]
May 29, 2019

Sustainability Implementation of Community Program in TB Care Aisyiyah Makassar, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study analyses advocacy activities, communication, social mobilization and rehabilitation of the Community TB Care Aisyiyah program in Makassar. This study uses a qualitative data. […]
May 29, 2019

Influence of Portfolio Diversification on Financial Performance of Mutual Funds in Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT: The financial performance of mutual fund is measured in terms of capital growth and periodical returns for growth and value funds respectively. Despite their late […]