Uncategorized – Page 499 – AJHSSR


May 18, 2019

Teaching English Stressed Syllable Using Musical Pattern Technique

ABSTRACT:The right placement of stress on the English words is a main concern in EFL speech intelligibility training. If a word in English has more than […]
May 18, 2019

Interrogating the opportunities brought by the new constitutional dispensation in protecting children’s right to education.

ABSTRACT: The study interrogated how the current constitutional and political dispensation can be exploited to fully protect the right to education in Zimbabwe. The aim of […]
May 11, 2019

The pedagogical Effect of the Teacher-Student Relationship on Teaching Practices and Students` Interest in Learning

ABSTRACT :Education has a strategic role in cultivating the character and civilisation of the nation and conserving its dignity in the vein of the intellectual life […]
May 8, 2019

A socio psychological study on the psychotheraphy mental therapy underlined in low country shanthikarmas

ABSTRACT: There are many types of different shanthikarmas (rituals)in the low country or ruhunu dancing tradition. Those shanthikarmas were spreat in hambanthota ,Matara,Weligama,Galle,Kadawatha in the southern […]